A wedding of 2 halves...

When Mary and Adam and I first met in July of 2019, we were discussing their wedding photography, but little did we know how the world would change two years later. With several postponements behind them, Mary and Adam decided on a small church ceremony in May 2021 and a celebration in December 2021 at Newland Hall.

So this is the tale of 2 halves...

How did covid affect your plans and how did you get around it?

Originally we were planning to get married in September 2020. I (Mary) was very positive that it would still happen. Adam, on the other hand, was more realistic and convinced me it would be best to move the wedding to give us the best chance to have the wedding we have always dreamed of.

We decided to move the wedding to May after much convincing. Our next step was to ask all our suppliers if they would still be available on the new date and thankfully every single one of them was and they understood why we were moving it.

After Christmas, it was clear that full-sized weddings would be off the table for a while. This is why we chose to still get married in May and have our wedding reception in the following December.

What were you looking forward to on your 2 days?

Our wedding day in May was all about saying our vows to each other and growing closer as that's what the day was actually all about.

To us, having all our friends and family in one room to celebrate together in December was so important.

How did you meet, tell me about your proposal?

In Anglia Ruskin University: after living two flats apart for most of the year without ever meeting, we finally stumbled upon each other at a party just before I decided to leave university for work life. We kept in touch, and the rest is history...

When we finally went to Paris for a city break he got down on one knee and proposed. I had talked about going to Paris for years and when we finally made the trip he got down on one knee and proposed.

What was the most memorable moment of the 2 days?

For me, walking down the aisle with my Dad and seeing 30 of my closest friends and family, and of course Adam at the end was perfect, we had waited so long and it was totally worth the stress and anxiety.

In December, having some time with just us two in the bridal suite before we went down to join the party was very special, we were able to watch all our guests arrive from the window and to be able to just take a moment to appreciate each other and how far we have come in the last two years.

Steal the look...



Photographer May & December - Adam Prescott Wedding Photography - https://www.instagram.com/adamprescottweddingphotography/